
Learn from the past but…

Posted by Dr Wilbert R Mutoko

31 July 2020

Motivation. Personal Development.

Many people have been taught that in order to become ultra successful, they should focus on the future and forget their past.

However, for you to be ultra successful in life, career, ministry, spirituality, health, relationships, finances, business, school, family, etc., you need to learn from your past, manage your present and work on your future. There needs to be a balance.

If you ignore your past, you will possibly repeat past mistakes or you fail to maximize on past lessons. Similarly, if you ignore your present, you may never set a good foundation for your future.

Remember that tomorrow’s yesterday is today. What you do today determines your success tomorrow. In any case, if you ignore your today, how do you survive your present circumstances?

Therefore, I suggest that you forget past pains, but learn as much as possible from the past. Then take advantage of your present and be realistic; thus avoiding just hoping that the future will be great without wise planning and action.

All the best my dear. See you at the top!

Email: wilbertmutoko@gmail.com


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