
money made many men mad

A wiseman once said: “God made man. Man made money. Money made many men mad.”
I hope you are not part of the people that have gone crazy because of money. If you have gone crazy spending rather than storing part of the money for the future, you need to come back to your senses today and save. The future is inevitable. Similarly if you are crazy consuming all earnings of the business until the business goes bankrupt or you lose your job; again not good. Some people are cool when they are broke; but as soon as money comes their way, they lose their minds and overspend. Very few people are cool when they have money. Where do you belong? – Wilbert R. Mutoko – Author of 15 Secrets for Personal Financial Success


seek the story not the glory

When you see or hear about a successful person or organization, it’s good to appreciate. But go ahead and find out how they made it i.e. ask for the story; rather than just desiring to become like them (the glory). Then take some of the steps they took to be successful. We have so many wishers and hopers in our generation who never ask for the story and they are not willing to pay the price for success. Remember, a wise man said, ‘Hope is not a strategy.’ – from Wilbert R. Mutoko – Author of 15 Secrets for Personal Financial Success AND 16 Mistakes Singles Make Vol. 1
