
bitter versus sweet

Have you ever seen that it’s not all sweet things that are good and beneficial. It’s not all bitter things that are bad and useless. Take for instance a lemon, it is bitter, but very useful in medicinal value and various cleaning functions. Not all bitter circumstances of life are bad. Some of them are meant to promote you. For Joseph, bitter moments included going through the pit, slavery and prison; but in the end things got sweet – Joseph became Egypt’s Prime Minister. What are you going through in life, school, business, ministry or career? Take heart, sweet moments are ahead.


like gold and diamond

Like Diamond and Gold

Valuable things are never easy or cheap. Look at it. God gave us diamonds and gold. Do you you pick the ore on the ground? Do you get them already processed and polished from the ground? How much money, energy, expertise and time is spend to get the minerals?

The same applies to a great business, great children, great spouse, great body, vibrant spirit, successful career or top grades in school. No great things just happen. My advice to you and I is that we need to find out what successful people have done and we apply the principles; rather than just hope that one day we will be successful.

Wilbert R. Mutoko – Author of Book – 15 Secrets for Personal Financial Success​ AND 16 Mistakes Singles Make Volume One – by Wilbert R. Mutoko​


success with satisfaction

You can be rich and successful; but what shall it profit a man to succeed and lack fulfillment? It is great to be wealthy. But wealth without human development, without adding value to others is wealth without satisfaction. You are on earth for a purpose – to make others healthier, wealthier or happier. How successful are you? – Wilbert R. Mutoko – Author of Book – 15 Secrets for Personal Financial Success​
